Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ)

Responsible Competitiveness

First Place: Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ)

Winning Justification:

  • MARAFIQ Company added Saudization as a primary principle in the strategy of private businesses.
  • 78% of MARAFIQ human resources are Saudi citizens.
  • MARAFIQ Company has adopted a number of social awareness building programs, including the campaign for preserving the resources of the "Three heroes" targeting children.
  • It constantly calls for the preservation of resources in various occasions in the Kingdom.
  • MARAFIQ launched the "MARAFIQ Sustainability Award" to honor and encourage sustainable practices in the energy and water sectors, and promote environmental, social and economic development.
  • MARAFIQ Company has once again showed strong performance in this field by continuing to run its supplier registration program.
  • MARAFIQ focuses on dealing with suppliers with high quality responsible environmental practices